
I wanted to talk about communication today as its a topic that has been brought up in my life quite consistently in the last few months. Moreover, the idea of effective communication and what that means, in respect to both my personal and professional life, has been the topic of conversation. You see, I'm a firm believer that you could have all the knowledge and understanding in the world about any given topic. However, if you are not able to express it or explain it in an effective manner, people might not always see you as smart or knowledgeable regarding the topic they've come to you for. Furthermore, I believe that if you aren't able to articulate yourself well, you could do damage. Poor communication can lead to a variety of negative consequences in various aspects of life, whether it's in personal relationships, professional settings, or broader social interactions. This could include:

  1. Wasting your or your listener's time

  2. Getting bored - both you and your listener's

  3. Offending anyone you speak to

Addressing poor communication involves actively working to improve listening skills, expressing ideas clearly, and fostering an open and transparent communication style. It is essential for building healthy relationships, promoting collaboration, and ensuring success in various aspects of life. So how do we foster these excellent communication skills and master the art of expressing ourselves adequately?

There are the more spoken tips and tricks which will help tomancertain extent. Give them a try:

  1. Active Listening: Pay full attention, avoid interruptions, and show engagement to understand others better.

  2. Clarity and Conciseness: Express thoughts clearly and succinctly, avoiding unnecessary complexity.

  3. Empathy: Understand and acknowledge others' perspectives and feelings to build stronger connections.

  4. Adaptability: Tailor your communication style to the preferences and needs of your audience.

  5. Follow-Up: Summarize key points and action items after discussions to ensure clarity and alignment.

I also wanted to find outnhowntonhave more meaningful conversations. Well, as always, I did my research and turned to TED talks. I watecherd the lovely Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation. She describes the below 10 rules or rcommendations in details and I know that if you foster them, you'll be significantly better and more effective in 99% of your conversations. Give them a try:

  1. Don't multitask - be fully present and active in the conversation. Stop what you're doing and focus wholly on the conversation at hand.

  2. Don't pontificate - if your idea is not to grow or learn then don't have the conversation in the first place! You're also at risk of being extremely predictable with every conversationyou have from then on.

  3. Use open ended questions - allow people to describe their experiences themselves. This poses a detailed and interesting response which you can work off of.

  4. Go with the flow - you'll have many thoughts come into your head as the conversation unfolds. Let them in but equally, let them out just as fast. You don't have to respond to everything that comes up with interesting talking points at each opportunity.

  5. If you don't know, own it - you can be more cautious and state when you're unsure. This doesn't take away from your credibility.

  6. Don't equate your experience with theirs - appreciate that these are very different people with different life experieneces.

  7. Try not to repeat yourself - don't even say it in an alternative way to emphasis the point.

  8. Stay out of the weeds - you don't need to depict every last detail and get caught up in it. This drags you down, again, you'll be at risk of sounding boring.

  9. Listen - probably the most important one. Active listening goes a long way.

  10. Be brief - be interested in other people. Be prepared to be amazed.

By incorporating these principles into your communication style, you can foster stronger connections, reduce misunderstandings, and create a more positive and productive communication environment and style. I hope you will try to facilitate these into every day life and reap the benefits!



