The importance of values

This past month, I was privileged enough to be spending time with my family. My Close family all live in South Africa, and this month they up for my uncles wedding and to spend some time traveling in Europe and the United Kingdom. As you can imagine, this time was so special as I got to spend a lovely time altogether having lunches, exploring the local town and seeing a few tourists attractions. It was dedicated time altogether which meant the world to me.

After recording my podcast with Lara Rebecca which will be coming out shortly, it got me thinking about what my values are and how important values are to each person in their own life. It also got me thinking about how important they are within someone's own recovery journey.

Values are deeply held beliefs and principles that guide an individual's behavior and decision-making. They serve as a personal compass, influencing priorities, actions, and attitudes. Values can encompass a wide range of concepts, such as honesty, integrity, kindness, loyalty, and respect. They are often shaped by cultural, familial, religious, and personal experiences and can evolve over time. Values play a crucial role in shaping a person's character and interactions with others, providing a sense of purpose and direction in life.

I've realised within the last two years, especially after moving to the United Kingdom from South Africa, that family is one of my own values. I value this because these are the people that made me who I am, they gave me such a beautiful childhood which I am so grateful for and they showed me what unconditional love and respect looks like. I don't think a lot of people grow up in such a wholesome, well-rounded and grounded household. It's only now in my adult years that I can see how hard that type of environment is to create and to sustain for a child. It's a true Testament to the Brilliance of my own parents and their family before them. I am lucky to call them my family.

The reason I wanted to talk about values, and have given my own example of what I value in my own life, is that I believe values are what guides our own principles, our own choices and decisions, and what guides how we behave and react to other people. It influences what type of people we keep around to support us or be friends with whom often have a big say in our life and how we make our decisions. Our values can make or break us. It guides what to prioritise in our life and what to deprioritise which can influence our recovery journey.

Values play a crucial role in influencing a person's mental health recovery journey by providing a sense of purpose, direction, and motivation. Here are several ways values can impact this process:

1. Motivation and Resilience

Values give individuals a reason to persist through challenges. For example, valuing family relationships can motivate someone to engage in therapy to improve their ability to connect with loved ones.

2. Goal Setting

Values help in setting meaningful and achievable goals. Recovery goals aligned with personal values are more likely to be pursued and attained, fostering a sense of accomplishment and progress.

3. Decision Making

Values guide decision-making processes, helping individuals choose recovery strategies that resonate with their beliefs and priorities. This can lead to more consistent and committed efforts toward recovery.

4. Self-Compassion and Acceptance

Valuing self-care and self-compassion can encourage a kinder attitude toward oneself, reducing self-criticism and promoting acceptance. This is crucial for recovery, as it helps mitigate feelings of guilt or shame associated with mental health challenges.

5. Building Support Networks

Values influence the types of relationships and support systems individuals seek out. Valuing trust and honesty, for example, can lead to building a supportive network of people who provide positive reinforcement and encouragement.

6. Coping Strategies

Values help identify healthy coping mechanisms that align with personal beliefs. For instance, someone who values physical health might engage in exercise or mindfulness practices as part of their recovery.

7. Enhancing Meaning and Purpose

Aligning recovery efforts with core values can bring a deeper sense of meaning and purpose to the journey. This can help individuals find fulfillment and satisfaction even in small steps of progress.

8. Navigating Setbacks

Values provide a stable foundation during setbacks. When facing difficulties, individuals can rely on their values to stay grounded and focused on long-term recovery goals, rather than becoming discouraged.

9. Improving Overall Well-being

Living in accordance with one’s values contributes to overall well-being and mental health. It fosters a sense of authenticity and coherence in one’s life, which is beneficial for long-term mental health stability.

10. Promoting Positive Change

Values-driven actions can lead to positive lifestyle changes that support mental health, such as establishing routines, seeking meaningful activities, and creating a balanced life.

In summary, values are integral to the mental health recovery journey as they provide a guiding framework that supports resilience, goal-setting, decision-making, and overall well-being. It's important to take the time to choose your values wisely as these will impact you throughout your life and shape who you become.


It's the small things in life


Social Reintegration